So far our move to Calgary has gone very smoothly. The last few weeks in Den Haag were really busy, but we were able to get it all done. The movers arrived right on time the last week, and were really organized and efficient in the packing. On their final day, the shipping container arrived at 11:30 and was pulling away at 2:30 with all our stuff neatly packed inside. We were both really impressed.
For our final farewell to Dutch customer service, we had a nice surprise at TMobile when I wanted to end my cell phone service. I had visited the shop a few weeks before when we knew we were moving to find out how I needed to end the service and what documents were required. When I started the cell phone contracted they needed a copy of my passport, lease, lock of hair from my firstborn child,...
I was told that I needed to come into the shop with my phone, passport, and an uitreksel from the Gemeente - which is a form I would get from the Gemeente (city) when I deregistered.
Dutifully on Thursday before we left we went to the Gemeente and deregistered, and purchased several copies of the uitreksel for both of us, not knowing which one I would need at TMobile. Friday, in the pouring rain, no longer with a car, we trekked over to the TMobile store to stop the phone service. And the store clerk then told me that I can't end the contract in the store, I must call a customer service number, toll call of course. I told him that I was told I had to bring an uitreksel to the shop to cancel and he told me that all the store clerks know the proper way to end a contract, basically accusing me of lying to him. So once the steam coming out my ears had cleared, we were able to convince him to call the number on their phone in the store so I could end the contract. Of course there is no early termination - I have to pay the full amount through the end of the contract. And the 50 euros we paid for those uitrekels were a waste because I didn't need any of it to cancel the contract.
Since we have been here in Canada, everyone, and I mean EVERYONE has been exceptionally polite, helpful, and very clear on what we need to do for our work permits, Alberta health insurance, card, new car registration, driver's license, you name it. Not only the cultural difference, but the lack of language barrier has made this move so much easier than the last one.
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